Round Games
This widget displays the games for a specific knockout round in the tournament. The widget is completely responsive with layouts to suit a side column or a full width article.
The game list for the round can be limited to upcoming fixtures only or latest results only.
You can also configure the widget so that the game times reflect the timezone of your target audience.
You can configure this widget to your own requirements using our setup tool . Listed below are the configuration options.
- Round - Select the round you want to show games for.
- Content - There is the option to show only the next fixture(s) or latest result(s) for the selected round.
- UTC offset - You can specifiy the difference in hours between UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and your local timezone to ensure that game dates, shown in the form section, are relevant to your audience. We automatically handle Daylight Saving Time.
- Language - Select the language the widget should use to match your page and audience.